Best free sites to list blog for guest posting

Guest posting is an important strategy for both bloggers and website owners. It helps you get more people to your site, build backlinks that are good for SEO, and become known as an expert in your field. But it can be hard to find the right platform to connect with people who might be interested in guest blogging.

There is a lot of information in this guide about best free sites to list blog for guest posting. It talks about their features, pros and cons, user experiences, and who they are best for. You can list your website to accept guest posts on Guest Post Marketplaces.

Did you know that guest posting can bring up to 50% more people to your website? Strong guest posts are like magnets that pull in new readers and possible customers.

Let’s explore the sites to list blog for guest posting

1. Best Site that List blog for guest posting for selling guest post

Company Background: Launched in 2020, Collaborator is a fairly new site that lets people post guest posts. They focus on making a safe and effective platform for working together on guest posts.

  • Features:
    • Extensive website catalog categorized by niche (think finance, marketing, lifestyle, etc.).
    • Secure platform for communication and project management.
    • Built-in task creation and description tools to ensure clear expectations.
    • Order tracking and escrow services for added security (protects both writer and website owner financially).
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “Collaborator makes finding guest posting opportunities a breeze. The search filters are fantastic, and the escrow service gives me peace of mind.” – John S., Marketing Blogger 
    • Negatives: “The interface can feel a bit clunky at times, but the functionality is solid.” – Sarah K., Content Creator
  • Pros: Great for both guest bloggers and website owners. Wide range of website options ensures a good fit. Secured platform fosters trust and protects both parties.
  • Cons: Interface might be intimidating for new users. As a marketplace, collaboration might feel less personal than direct outreach.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers looking for a diverse selection of guest posting opportunities, website owners seeking high-quality guest content with a secure system.

2. Guest Post Now: Best Guest post Buy/Sell marketplace

Guest Post Now: for listing your site for Guest posting

Company Background: Launched in 2014, Guest Post Now takes a more curated approach to guest posting, connecting bloggers with websites that meet specific quality criteria.

  • Features:
    • Connects bloggers with high-authority websites (meaning they have strong domain authority (DA) in SEO terms).
    • Offers a streamlined application process, saving time for both blogger and website owner.
    • Provides editorial support for guest posts, ensuring quality content reaches the platform.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “Guest Post Now helped me secure guest posts on some fantastic websites. Their editorial support was invaluable.” – David L., SEO Specialist.
    • Negatives: Limited availability of guest post opportunities due to the curated nature.
  • Pros: Ideal for securing guest posts on high-traffic websites. Streamlined process saves time. Editorial support enhances content quality.
  • Cons: Fewer guest posting opportunities compared to other platforms. May not be suitable for all niches due to curation.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers focused on high-authority backlinks and website owners with strict guest post quality guidelines.

3. Natvisor: Submit your site for guest posting


Company Background: Founded in 2016, LinksMind offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, including a guest posting marketplace.

  • Features:
    • Guest posting marketplace with a vast website database categorized by niche.
    • Backlink building tools and competitor analysis to understand your SEO landscape.
    • On-page SEO optimization suggestions for your website.
  • User Reviews: 
    • Positives: “LinksMind is a one-stop shop for my SEO needs. The guest posting platform is intuitive and effective.” – Emily P., Business Owner 
    • Negatives: Free plan has limited features. Premium options can be expensive for smaller businesses.
  • Pros: Comprehensive SEO toolset alongside guest posting opportunities. Great for data-driven website owners with an existing SEO strategy.
  • Cons: Free plan limitations. Premium pricing may not fit all budgets.
  • Who Should Use It? Website owners seeking a complete SEO solution with guest posting capabilities. Ideal for data-driven users with a focus on SEO optimization.

4. OutreachZ: Sell guest posts

OutreachZ for guest post buy & sell

Company Background: Established in 2018, OutreachZ focuses on connecting bloggers with journalists and influencers for content collaborations that go beyond traditional guest posting.

  • Features:
    • Extensive media database with contact details for journalists, influencers, and bloggers.
    • Secure outreach tools for personalized email communication.
    • Guest post pitch creation and tracking features to manage outreach efforts.
  • Pros:
    • Unique platform for influencer outreach and content collaborations beyond just websites.
    • Great for building brand awareness and thought leadership in your niche.
    • Personalized outreach fosters stronger relationships with potential collaborators.
  • Cons:
    • Less suited for traditional guest blogging on websites compared to other platforms.
    • Niche limitations may exist, depending on the media contacts available.
    • Requires crafting personalized outreach messages, which can be time-consuming.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers aiming for influencer collaborations and brand awareness. Ideal for building a strong online presence in a specific niche among industry figures and thought leaders.

5. Adsy: Submit site to accept guest posts

Adsy Guest post Buysell marketplace

Company Background: Launched in 2013, Adsy is a popular guest posting platform known for its user-friendly interface and diverse website options.

  • Features:
    • Extensive website database searchable by niche, domain authority (DA), and traffic.
    • Built-in outreach tools for contacting website owners directly.
    • Offers “mini-post” options alongside traditional guest blog posts.
    • Affordable pricing plans for those interested in premium features.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “Adsy makes finding guest blogging opportunities super easy. I love the filter options and the range of website choices.” – Lisa M., Travel Blogger
    • Negatives: “Some website owners on Adsy seem less responsive than others. Persistence is key.” – Mark B., Tech Writer
  • Pros: Easy-to-use interface makes it beginner-friendly. Diverse website options cater to a wide range of niches. Affordable pricing plans for additional features.
  • Cons: Not as secure or feature-rich as some Guest Post Marketplaces. Outreach can feel impersonal compared to direct contact.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers new to guest posting or seeking a user-friendly platform with a variety of website options. Website owners who want an easier way to list their site and manage incoming guest post requests.

6. icopify

Company Background: Founded in 2015, icopify offers a range of digital marketing services, including guest posting and content writing. Their guest posting platform connects bloggers with websites that meet specific quality criteria.

  • Features:
    • Content writing services (optional) for bloggers needing help with guest post creation.
    • Guest posting marketplace with a curated selection of high-quality websites.
    • Project management tools and communication features within the platform.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “I used icopify’s content writing service to create a guest post for a high-authority website. The process was smooth, and the content was excellent.” – Sarah J., Fashion Blogger
    • Negatives: Limited availability of guest posting opportunities due to curation. Focus on high-quality websites may exclude some niche blogs.
  • Pros: Content writing service option caters to bloggers who prefer not to write guest posts themselves. Curated marketplace ensures high-quality websites for guest posting.
  • Cons: Limited number of guest posting opportunities compared to some platforms. May not be suitable for all niches due to quality focus.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers who need help creating guest posts or prioritize high-authority website placements. Website owners with strict quality guidelines for guest content.

7. Accessily

Company Background: Launched in 2017, Accessily is a guest posting marketplace known for its transparency and focus on creator control.

  • Features:
    • Extensive guest posting marketplace with detailed information about each website (DA, traffic, niche, etc.).
    • Two guest posting options: “Buy Now” for instant purchase and “Campaign” for a more targeted approach.
    • Secure payment processing and escrow service.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “Accessily is super transparent. I love being able to see all the details about a website before I buy a guest post.” – David T., Marketing Consultant
    • Negatives: The “Campaign” option can be time-consuming for bloggers, and competition for guest posts can be high.
  • Pros: Transparency and detailed information about websites empower bloggers to make informed decisions. “Buy Now” option allows for quick and easy guest post purchases. Secure payment processing protects both bloggers and website owners.
  • Cons: “Campaign” option requires extra effort from bloggers. High competition for guest posts may lead to rejection.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers who value transparency and control over guest post placements. Website owners who want a secure platform to list their site and receive guest post offers.

8. LinksOptimize

Company Background: Established in 2012, LinksOptimize is an SEO agency offering a range of services, including guest posting opportunities.

  • Features:
    • Guest posting included in some SEO packages offered by LinksOptimize.
    • Focus on high-quality backlinks to boost website authority.
    • Custom-tailored guest posting strategy development based on client needs.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “LinksOptimize helped me develop a solid guest posting strategy that’s improved my website’s SEO ranking.” – Michael P., Business Owner
    • Negatives: Guest posting is not a standalone service;

Company Background: Launched in 2010, Link Publishers is a veteran guest posting platform with a vast network of websites across various niches.

  • Features:
    • Extensive website database categorized by niche, DA, and traffic.
    • Advanced search filters to find the perfect guest posting opportunities.
    • Secure platform for communication and project management.
    • Variety of guest posting packages to suit different needs and budgets.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “Link Publishers has a huge selection of websites to choose from. I always find relevant placements for my guest posts.” – Emily K., Lifestyle Blogger
    • Negatives: Can be expensive for higher-tier packages with premium website placements.
  • Pros: Vast website database offers a wide range of guest posting opportunities. Advanced search filters ensure targeted outreach. Secure platform and project management tools streamline collaboration. Package options cater to different budgets.
  • Cons: Pricing can be a barrier for some bloggers.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers seeking a diverse selection of guest posting opportunities with advanced search options. Website owners with an established audience who want to monetize guest post placements through paid packages.

10. Buysellguestpost

Company Background: Established in 2014, Buysellguestpost is a marketplace where website owners can list their sites for guest posts and bloggers can find relevant opportunities.

  • Features:
    • Marketplace format allows for easy browsing of guest post opportunities.
    • Detailed information about each website listing (niche, DA, traffic, etc.).
    • Secure communication system for bloggers to contact website owners.
    • Free and premium membership options for both bloggers and website owners.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “Buysellguestpost is a great way to find guest post opportunities directly from website owners.” – David L., SEO Specialist
    • Negatives: Quality of websites can vary significantly. Careful research is required before contacting website owners.
  • Pros: Marketplace format facilitates direct communication with website owners. Detailed website information allows for informed decisions. Free and premium membership options cater to different budgets.
  • Cons: Quality of websites can be inconsistent. Requires more manual effort for bloggers to find suitable opportunities.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers who prefer direct communication with website owners. Website owners wanting to control guest post content and potentially receive payment for placements.

11. Blog

Company Background: Launched in 2015, Blog is a content management platform with guest posting functionalities.

  • Features:
    • Content calendar and editorial workflow management tools for bloggers.
    • Guest posting marketplace for finding relevant guest post opportunities.
    • Built-in communication features for collaboration with website owners.
    • Analytics and reporting tools to track guest posting performance.
  • User Reviews:
    • Positives: “Blog keeps me organized with my content creation and guest posting outreach.” – Sarah J., Fashion Blogger
    • Negatives: Guest posting marketplace may not be as extensive as dedicated guest posting platforms.
  • Pros: Streamlined workflow management for bloggers juggling content creation and guest posting. Marketplace integration facilitates guest post discovery. Built-in communication features and analytics tools enhance collaboration and performance tracking.
  • Cons: Guest posting marketplace may have a smaller pool of websites compared to dedicated platforms.
  • Who Should Use It? Bloggers who need a comprehensive content management solution with guest posting capabilities. Ideal for bloggers who publish frequently and require organization tools.
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